Where do I begin…By far the most engaging and energetic educators of our time. Mark is a unique blend with all the elements that a true advocate for education has. He was outstanding!!!
I was dead set in not liking this workshop. After 10 minutes, I was hooked. You were by far the most interesting presenter I have ever heard. Your ideas were great and your enthusiasm was second to none! You have relit my fire!!
I have definitely had my fire relit! This professional development is one that should be taught to all teachers and in colleges. I'll definitely take all of this back with me to use in my classroom. I hadn't realized how much of the survival stage I was in! Thank you so much!
This was absolutely the BEST workshop I have ever attended. We got practical information that we can and WILL really use. This is the "shot in the arm" that all teachers need from time-to-time. It makes me remember why I chose this profession. It really "relit my fire!"
Mark is absolutely the most effective presenter I have ever heard. I have gained an enormous amount of useful knowledge. I will become an IMPACT TEACHER!!!!
You relit my fire, and I sure think you have found your calling in life! You are a GREAT speaker and have brought a wealth of knowledge to the table with real world solutions to real world situations.
This is my 34th year to teach and it is the most excited I've ever been. It's the only time I have ever hated to leave a staff development meeting. Thank you so, so, so much!
Excellent! Best workshop I have ever attended. This workshop not only presented valuable information in an interesting way, it also provided a valuable opportunity for SELF-EXAMINATION. It has truly helped relight the fire.
I have been teaching since 1965, and Mark is by far the very best speaker I have ever heard. Thank you for inspiring me to want to be a better, more positive teacher during the last years of my teaching career.
Anybody that has heard you is lucky and fortunate!!!
This workshop has given me the "courage" and the "tools" to move beyond the survival stage.
This was the BEST workshop I have ever attended in 30 years!!! What an outstanding presentation. This man is GREAT!!! Thank you for a fantastic day!!
You taught an OLD DOG some NEW TRICKS!
This is my 35th year in education—I have experienced many, many in-services, but yours is the best of the best. Thanks for sharing.
The BEST workshop that I’ve ever been to in 30 years—Most useful information that has ever been presented.
Mark McLeod is an awesome, dynamic presenter!! This workshop was so informative and provided us with a "chocked full" box of strategies and tools to implement in our classrooms to make us effective teachers. Thank you!!!
Awesome!! I loved his energy and common sense ideas that seem to have been lost with all the responsibilities and issues in education. He brought back the fire for a lot of us in the room. I enjoyed the whole day and felt energized and refocused at the days end. This was great motivation and will have a tremendous impact for teachers and students.
This is the first training in 17 years that everything (front to back) was useful, exciting and worth sharing!
Mr. McLeod demonstrated more energy and enthusiasm than any presenter I have ever heard. His informational material was most helpful. He was the best speaker ever!
I loved the energy of the speaker. He motivated me to become a better teacher. I can't wait to teach tomorrow!
Very relevant, easy-to-implement ideas! Any teacher, in any subject can glean several outstanding strategies from this presentation. I just wish we could have had a two-day session instead of just one day. This has been the best, most useful in-service I've had in all my years of teaching!!
Wow!!! Hands Down - The Best Staff Development I have attended! Thank you, Mark!
There isn't enough time for me to list all of the fantastic ideas you gave me today. Please know that you have made a difference in my life today. I hope that my students will benefit from this training, as much as I have! Thank you!!
This was the best workshop I can remember attending!! I wish I could have had it as a beginning teacher. I have been teaching for 31 years. Please come back!
This was the most exciting and useful session that I have ever attended. I know that my teaching experience will never be the same because of your training!!!
Thanks for reminding me why I teach!!
Mr. McLeod was one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. His enthusiasm is contagious. We need more of this type of workshop. Great Job! Bring him back soon!